What Does Ucf Stand for in Banking

Charging for the University Composition Fee (UCF)

The University Composition Fee (UCF) is invoiced and collected by the College.  All UCF charges are issued at the start of each academic year, during the first week of full term in October, and emailed out to students. Please look out for our email to your @cam.ac.uk email address. We cannot issue individual UCF invoices before this time so please do not request one. For the academic year 21/22 College Account bills will be emailed out by 05/10/2021.

The exception to the above procedure are students on MBA, MFin, MAcc and MSt courses. These students are invoiced by their Department and students need to make a payment for their UCF to their respective Department, not the College. Please contact your Department directly for course fee invoices, payment details and deadlines.

If you are undertaking a pre-course that starts during September you must ask your Department or Faculty about the cost of your pre-course and how that can be paid directly to them. The College does not charge or receive payments for pre-courses.

Payment timeline for your UCF

The College will issue all UCF bills by 05/10/2021. If you are personally liable for your UCF full payment must be made within two weeks from the first day of your first full term. Please see Term Dates for the University term dates. For the academic year 21/22 the UCF payment deadline will be 19/10/2021. Please note that failure to pay in due time may result in your not being permitted to continue your studies or receive your degree.

If you have a scholarship or award that covers part or the whole of your UCF please read Funding evidence for more details. If you are taking out an SFE Postgraduate Loan or US Federal/Private Loans to cover your course costs please read the information below for specific instructions. For any other loan types please contact Birgit Lintner (Undergraduate students) or Katerina Gargaroni (Postgraduate students) at the Finance Office to provide evidence and discuss adjusted payment deadlines.

Making payment for your UCF

Bank transfer

Our preferred method of payment for the University Composition Fee (UCF) is bank transfer. Our bank details are:

A/C NO 00463811
SORT CODE 30-13-55
IBAN GB44 LOYD 3013 5500 4638 11

If paying by bank transfer, please include your name and College Account Code (DXXXXXX) as a reference to enable us to identify your payment correctly. Your College Account Code (D9XXXXX) is usually made up of "D9" followed by your Wolfson College ID Number (WCID). So if your WCID is "11111" then your College Account Code is "D911111". As a new student you can find your WCID in the confirmation email you receive from the Tutorial Office. This reference number also appears on the top right part of the College Statements we regularly email out to you.

Please note: We cannot accept debit or credit card payments for the University Composition Fee (UCF). If your bank limits the daily amount you can transfer please feel free to make 2 or more separate transfers over consecutive days to cover the amount you need. Payments can be made on your behalf from family members or sponsors provided they include your College Account Code (D9XXXXX) so we can correctly identify who the payment is for. You can choose to make one total payment for both your UCF and accommodation costs or you can make separate payments, both options are fine.


We also accept Sterling (GBP) cheques. If paying by cheque please make this payable to 'Wolfson College'. You can leave this in a sealed envelope for the attention of (FAO) the Finance Office at the Porters' Lodge. You can also post it to the main address of the College for the attention of (FAO) the Finance Office.


International students may choose any of the above methods of payment, or may prefer to pay via TransferMate to avoid international transfer charges and to get a good exchange rate. Please click on the attachment below for a quick review on how it works and visit our TransferMate webpage for more details and to use this payment option.

Funding evidence

Internal scholarships from Cambridge University (including Department/School scholarships and Cambridge Trusts awards)

If we have evidence that your UCF is being paid by a Department or other body within Cambridge University your UCF will be invoiced directly to them. We will also collect the monies from them. Please make sure that you upload a record of your scholarship information on your University Self-Serve account as this where we look for this evidence. If this documentation is not on University Self-Serve account please upload it or email soft copies of your funding details to Birgit Lintner (Undergraduate students) or Katerina Gargaroni (Postgraduate students) as soon as convenient.

External scholarships from the UK and abroad

If you have a scholarship from an external body, whether in the UK or abroad, the UCF will be charged to you personally. This charge will show on your College Statement. We will email you with your UCF charge and you will be responsible for forwarding this on to your sponsor and making sure that they complete the necessary payment. We understand that some organisations take more than 2 weeks to process an invoice and this may mean that your UCF may not be paid to us by 19/10/2021. Please contact Birgit Lintner (Undergraduate students) or Katerina Gargaroni (Postgraduate students) in this case so we can discuss an adjusted payment deadline.

Charging for College accommodation

Accommodation charges are triggered once you arrive at Wolfson and pick up your room key. Thus, we cannot provide you with the exact amount of your rent charge before you occupy your room. However, you can estimate your termly rent costs based on your Accommodation Licence, which you will receive by the end of August. You can also refer to the Guide to Accommodation for weekly rent costs.

You will be emailed your accommodation charge along with other applicable charges during the first week of full term in October, assuming you have already checked in to your College room by that time. Please look out for our email at your @cam.ac.uk email address. We cannot issue individual accommodation invoices before this time so please do not request one. For Michaelmas Term 2021 invoices will be emailed out by 05/10/2021. If you check in to your room after 04/10/2021 then please request your accommodation invoice by emailing Birgit Lintner (Undergraduate students) or Katerina Gargaroni (Postgraduate students).

Please do not request for accommodation charges to be issued to sponsors` names as this is not possible. Your accommodation invoice will always be issued in your name as the Accommodation Office cannot issue individual invoices to third parties.

Payment timeline for your College accommodation

Full payment must be made within two weeks from receiving your accommodation bill. If you do not receive a bill within 1 week of moving into your room please request one by emailing Birgit Lintner (Undergraduate students) or Katerina Gargaroni (Postgraduate students).

Accommodation charges are billed termly in advance. This means that in October you are invoiced for October, November and December. Accommodation invoices should be paid within 14 days unless otherwise agreed in writing. If payment is not made within 14 days interest will be charged at the Bank of England's base rate +3%. Any debts still outstanding after 28 days will be referred to the Senior Tutor. Moreover, you will not be able to book College accommodation in the future unless you have paid for all your previous bookings.

If preferable, you can pay for the whole of the tenancy period at the beginning of the academic year. The monies will be held in your College account and the credit will offset the relevant accommodation costs during the year.

Making payment for your College accommodation & other minor charges

Bank transfer

Our preferred method of payment for accommodation and other minor charges is bank transfer. Our bank details are:

A/C NO 00463811
SORT CODE 30-13-55
IBAN GB44 LOYD 3013 5500 4638 11

If paying by bank transfer, please include your name and College Account Code (DXXXXXX) as a reference to enable us to identify your payment correctly. Your College Account Code (D9XXXXX) is usually made up of "D9" followed by your Wolfson College ID Number (WCID). So if your WCID is "11111" then your College Account Code is "D911111". As a new student you can find your WCID in the confirmation email you receive from the Tutorial Office. This reference number also appears on the top right part of the College Statements we regularly email out to you.

Card payment

We accept VISA and MasterCard payments for accommodation charges. Please note that we cannot accept debit or credit card payments for the University Composition Fee (UCF). We do not accept Diners Club or American Express. When paying by card please ensure the card used for payment is in your name.

Card payments can be taken over the phone on +44 (0)1223 335915 or 335911. We will need the name, number, start and expiry dates of the front of the card and the security code at the back of the card.

Card payments can be also made online via PayPal. Please enter the College Account Code (DXXXXXX) as shown on your statement in the box below to enable us to identify your payment correctly.


We also accept Sterling (GBP) cheques. If paying by cheque please make this payable to 'Wolfson College'. You can leave this in a sealed envelope for the attention of (FAO) the Finance Office at the Porters' Lodge. You can also post it to the main address of the College for the attention of (FAO) the Finance Office.


International students may choose any of the above methods of payment, or may prefer to pay via TransferMate to avoid international transfer charges and to get a good exchange rate. Please click on the attachment below for a quick review on how it works and visit our TransferMate webpage for more details and to use this payment option.

Student Finance England (SFE) Postgraduate Loans - All Postgraduate students (except MSt students)

Our course fees policy is for students to pay the UCF in full at the beginning of the course. However, if you are going to be taking out an SFE Postgraduate Loan then your UCF can be paid in instalments. We can accommodate such an arrangement strictly under all the following conditions:

  • that your loan application is approved before your course starts and that the first instalment towards your fees is ready to be paid to us within the first 2 weeks from the start of your first full term (see Term Dates for the University term dates)
  • t hat you provide us with a soft copy of the Loan Summary that shows the amount you are borrowing and the payment dates of the loan instalments that at least 1/3 of your UCF is covered in each of the Michaelmas, Lent and Easter terms

If you can fulfil the above conditions please follow the instructions below so that your loan can be paid to you in a timely manner:

Step 1:

Please email Katerina Gargaroni with the relevant paperwork that shows the amount you are borrowing and the payment dates of the loan installments: this is usually called the Loan Summary and it can be downloaded from your SFE website account page. For PhD/MEd students please remember that you will need to provide us with a copy of your current year Loan Summary at the beginning of each year. We cannot confirm your attendance on the SFE website or agree instalments for UCF payments without this document.

Step 2:

We will need to confirm your attendance/registration on the SFE website so your payments can be released to you. In order to do this we will need to make sure you have started your course.

If you are in Cambridge, register with the Tutorial Office (you will need ID) as soon as convenient. I f you are studying remotely, please have your department confirm to usby email that you have started attending your course. The email should originate from your course/departmental administrator or academic tutor.

Once we have confirmed you on the SFE website it takes 2-3 working days for you to receive your loan instalment. You do not need to do this again in the following terms, it is only done at the start of each academic year.

Step 3:

You will need to arrange payment of your fees.  You will receive your statement by email at your @cam.ac.uk address by 05/10/2021 and this will include charges like your annual total University Course Fee (UCF) and rent, if using College accommodation. However, once you have completed Steps 1,2 and 3 you will not be required to make the full UCF payment. Although the full UCF will be showing on your College account you will be allowed to pay this off in 3 equal instalments.

If you are using the SFE Postgraduate Loan to pay for your course fees and:

  • your UCF is less than your total annual loan amount please arrange payment of 1/3 of the total UCF by 19/10/2021, along with the first term's accommodation payment if living in College
  • your UCF exceeds your total annual loan amount please arrange payment of 1/3 of the total UCF by 19/10/2021, along with the first term's accommodation payment if living in College. You need to make sure you cover the difference between your loan amount and your UCF each term with a higher payment than that of your loan so that 1/3 of your fees can be fully paid each time

If you are not using the SFE Postgraduate Loan to pay for your course fees and it is purely for maintenance costs then please make a full payment for your UCF by 19/10/2021.

Please remember to:

  • provide your approved Loan Summary
  • register with the Tutorial Office as soon as convenient
  • pay 1/3 of your UCF by 19/10/2021

At the beginning of the following terms you will be emailed your College statement again showing your full UCF amount, other charges you may have incurred and how much is still owing. Please keep to the 1/3 termly payments as per above as this agreement will be on our records.

Student Finance England (SFE) Postgraduate Loans - MSt students

If you are going to be taking out an SFE Postgraduate Loan to cover your course costs then please follow the instructions below so that your loan can be paid to you in a timely manner:

Step 1:

Please email me with the relevant paperwork that shows the amount you are borrowing and the payment dates of the loan instalments: this is usually called the Loan Summary and it can be downloaded from your SFE website online account page. Please remember that you will need to provide us with a copy of your current year Loan Summary at the beginning of each year. We cannot confirm your attendance on the SFE website without this document.

Step 2: We will need to confirm your attendance/registration on the SFE website so your payments can be released to you. In order to do this we need to make sure you have started your course

  • if you are in Cambridge, please register with the Tutorial Office (you will need ID) as soon as convenient
  • if not, please have your department confirm to us by email that you have started attending your course. The email should originate from your course/departmental administrator or academic tutor

Please remember to:

  • provide your approved Loan Summary
  • have your course registration confirmed with our Tutorial Office or by your Department

 Once we have confirmed you on the SFE website it takes 2-3 working days for you to receive your loan instalment. You do not need to do this again in the following terms of this academic year, it is only done at the start of each academic year. However, if you will be taking out this loan in 22/23 you will need to repeat Steps 1 and 2 again at the start of next academic year.

US Educational Loans

Students who are in receipt of US Federal and/or Private Loans with the aim of covering their course costs can read below for more information.

The administration of these loans is handled jointly by Wolfson`s Finance Office in and the University`s Student Services Centre. You can find detailed advice regarding US student loans on the University of Cambridge website here. If there is maintenance to be paid out to you this must be through bank transfer to a UK bank account. This means that you will need to have a UK bank account in order to receive your maintenance. You can ask the Tutorial Office for help on how to set up a bank account as soon as you arrive in Cambridge. Please note that due to the influx of new students October is usually a very busy month for local high street banks and you may have to wait a few weeks in order to get an appointment to set up a bank account.

Before your loan instalments can be released you need to

  • register with the Tutorial Office. This means that you need to come in to Wolfson College, provide your ID and pick up your University card.
  • provide details of your UK bank account for maintenance monies, if any, to be paid to you. Please email Birgit Lintner (Undergraduate students) or Katerina Gargaroni (Postgraduate students) with the bank name, sort code and account number.

Following this your loan instalments will initially be paid to the College. Please bear in mind that these loans are made out in US Dollars and, therefore, the amount received in GB Sterling is subject to fluctuations of the exchange rate. The College is not responsible for shortfalls in funding due to this, and students should bear this in mind when budgeting for their course and maintenance costs. As it is not certain when exactly the first payment will be received, please make sure you have sufficient maintenance funds for the beginning of your course as no advances can be made.

Please contact Katerina Gargaroni (Postgraduate students) or Birgit Lintner (Undergraduate students) at the Finance Office for any queries regarding the disbursement of your US student loan. The contact details for the Student Funding team that deals with the US loans scheme administration are:

Ms Jane Armitage & Ms Caroline Brown

Student Funding Team

Student Services Centre

University of Cambridge

New Museums Site




Tel: +44 (0) 1223 337971/330787

Your College Account

Every student has their own College Account that comes with their unique College Account Code. All the charges that you incur and payments that you make to us show on your College account. The charges cover course fees, accommodation and other items such as linen, Formal Hall dining, key replacement charges, etc.

The Finance Office emails out statements of students' College Accounts at the start of each academic term. Please look out for our email to your @cam.ac.uk email address. Please be aware that if you are a current student official emails from the College and University will always be sent to your @cam.ac.uk email address. Please make sure you check emails sent to this email address very regularly. Also, check Trash/Spam folders in case important communication ends up in these. If you have a departmental email address please make sure to forward all emails to your @cam.ac.uk address.

Currently, you cannot access your College account online. However, whether you have a Debit or Credit balance, you will receive an email at least once a term with your College Account Statement as an attachment.

Your College Account Code

Your College Account Code (D9XXXXX) is made up of "D9" followed by your Wolfson College ID Number (WCID). So if your WCID is "11111" then your College Account Code is "D911111". As a new student you can find your WCID in the confirmation email you receive from the Tutorial Office. This reference number also appears on the top right part of the College Account Statements we regularly email out to you.

If paying by bank transfer, please include your name and College Account Code (DXXXXXX) as a reference to enable us to identify your payment correctly. We also ask that you include your College Account Code in all your correspondence with us as it helps us to deal with your queries faster.

Making payment for meal charges

Wolfson College operates a cashless system to pay for meals in the College cafeteria and bar, which only accepts credit cards or cashless payments: no cash! Please read the information on Cashless payments on how to register for these.

For new students only: Recognising that some students may not have a debit or credit card during their first few weeks in College, we program your University card with a temporary overdraft that you may use to purchase food (up to a maximum of £150) until the Division of Term (9th November). After this date any amounts charged against the overdraft will be transferred to your College Account and you will need to pay them off before the end of that term.

Your University self-service account

Your University self-service account, among other things, holds a record of your course costs and your funding evidence.

With regards to costs it may include amounts for "Non-UK Settling in Supplement", "Additional fees/costs" and/or "Student Maintenance". These figures are only estimates of the minimum amount required to cover accommodation, food, travel, books, leisure, etc each academic year. The College will not charge you these specific amounts. Please do not transfer money for these estimated costs to Wolfson College. International students are expected to open a bank account once they are in the UK which allows them to transfer in personal funds and access them when needed.

With regards to funding evidence your self-service account holds records of any scholarship or awards you have uploaded. Please make sure you upload all relevant evidence on this account as this is where we look before we issue all UCF charges.

Your University self-service account is also the medium through which you apply for a break from your studies (intermission) or a complete withdrawal. Both of these actions are initiated by your self on this platform and will impact the amount of fees you will be charged overall. Please read on Intermission for more information on intermissions.Birgit Lintner (Undergraduate students) or Katerina Gargaroni (Postgraduate students) can help with working out the changes to your UCF.

The Finance Office team

Our office is located on the ground floor of Bredon House, near the Selwyn Gardens entrance to the College. The main contacts for student account queries are:

  • Birgit Lintner looks after all Undergraduate and MAST student fees & accounts. Her contact details are:

             Wolfson College

             Cambridge CB3 9BB


             Tel: 01223 335911

             Wed & Fri

  • Katerina Gargaroni deals with all Postgraduate student fees & accounts, both on full and part time study. Her contact details are:

            Wolfson College

            Cambridge CB3 9BB


            Tel: 01223 335915

            Mon, Tue & Thu

What Does Ucf Stand for in Banking

Source: https://www.wolfson.cam.ac.uk/current-students/financial/payments-fees

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