Syndicate Use a Key to Enter the White Drawing Room

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Assassin's Creed Syndicate Sequence 4 - Overdose

Visit a gross medical facility and punish everyone except the hardworking and underpaid nursing staff.

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Assassin's Creed Syndicate Sequence 4 - Overdose

  • Reach the vantage point
  • Assassinate Dr. Elliotson
    • Optional Challenge: Halt the electroconvulsive therapy session
    • Optional Challenge: Do not fire a single bullet
  • Speak to the nurse
  • Steal the master key
  • Kill the young doctor
  • Hide the corpse
  • Lay on the stretcher
  • Escape the asylum

Head to the waypoint and chat with old Charlie to start this mission. After your talk, approach the nearest building, use your Rope Launcher to get to the top, and trigger a synchronisation.

If you drop down to the roof below and search along the north side you'll find an easy entry point. Keep dropping till you reach the correct level, then use Eagle Vision to highlight the multiple guards. Sneak around them as you move towards the door to the south; the east side is usually easier, depending on what stage of their patrol the guards are in.

Through the door, take the stairs to the right down to the next level then pass the wheelchair on your way to the next hallway. The room you want is on the left at the end of the corridor.

Now it's time for an assassination. Go back out via the same route you used to get here and climb onto the roof, heading northeast.

Optional challenges: don't use any bullets and complete all the tasks we outline, in order to receive both bonuses.

Look for a window on the north side of the building close to the nurse waypoint. You need only drop to the bottom floor to reach her for a chat.

Now you need the master key. It's being held by an orderly patrolling the stairs to the west of the nurse. He's pretty easy to take out quietly, so just loot his body for the key if you can't be bothered pickpocketing. Now you can open every door.

Go back outside and look for an entry point in the middle of the east wall of the building. Inside, turn south and slide through the low opening. Go down the east hallway, dispatching a few guards, and pass the patient on a stretcher to reach the far end of the hallway.

Scout the room below. There are two enemies in the room itself an another that moves in and out on a patrol. It's easiest to hit the patrolling guard first and then the other two.

Before going after your target clear out this floor completely; knock out or kill every single guard. Trust us.

When you're ready, head down the stairs and take out another guard at the bottom. Head west, putting down a second guard, and eventually you'll find a corpse. Pick it up and carry it southeast to hide it. Return to where you found the body and interact with the stretcher, then assassinate the doctor when the opportunity arises.

You now need to flee, but for some reason there are hardly any guards around. Amazing! Just run outside and out of the alert zone to finish the mission.

Back to Assassin's Creed Syndicate guide and walkthrough.

Syndicate Use a Key to Enter the White Drawing Room


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